Should You Get Equine Liability Insurance for Your Horse?

October 24, 2023 by Shelby Marsh

As a horse owner, you know the incredible joy and satisfaction that comes with owning these majestic animals. But along with the joy, there are also risks involved. Accidents can happen, and you could be held liable if your horse harms someone or damages property. That is why many horse owners consider purchasing equine liability insurance. But is it necessary? Let’s look at this form of horse insurance and see if it is right for you.

What Is Equine Liability Insurance?

Equine liability insurance is a type of third-party insurance policy that protects the horse owner for damages or injuries caused by their horse if the horse owner is liable, or needs legal defense whether liable or not. This can include injuries to other people and damages to their property. 

Why Do You Need Equine Liability Insurance?

While it is not legally required to have equine liability insurance, it is highly recommended, as the U.S. legal climate is highly litigious. Accidents can happen anytime, resulting in expensive damages and/or injuries. With equine liability insurance, you can protect yourself from the financial burden associated with these incidents.

What Does Equine Liability Insurance Cover?

Equine liability insurance typically insures against the costs to the insured for bodily injury and property damage caused by your horse for which the Owner-Insured is legally responsible (liable), as well as legal fees and court costs if you are sued. Your policy may also cover limited medical payments to injured parties for which you are not liable.  

How Much Does Equine Liability Insurance Cost?

The cost of equine liability insurance depends on several factors, including the types of horse activities you do and where, and, if applicable, any commercial horse activities you may do. Generally, this important equine liability insurance is affordable and can range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars annually.  The insurance limits you chose are a factor, of course.  The premium can vary for personal horses according to if a horse is used for pleasure, show, or racing.  Premium for commercial activities of boarding, breeding, and training are lower than if one is teaching lessons, does human or equine therapeutic sessions, or provides novice trail rides or horse-drawn vehicle rides.  Each policy must be rated according to all the activities the insured provides and according to the number of horses one owns or leases.

Where Can You Get Equine Liability Insurance?

At Ark Agency Animal Insurance Services, we offer equine liability insurance specifically designed for horse owners. Our policies provide insurance coverage at adequate rates, and our experienced team can help you choose the best coverage for you and your horse.

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